Do different work environments make for different best OD practices?
Our January 17 program meeting was another in our “Best Practices” series. This was the third time we have done one of these “by industry”. On this occasion we had small group discussion of best OD practices in biotech/pharmaceuticals, external consulting, health care, internal consulting, nonprofits, and virtual work environments.
In the reports back to the whole group session, there were many similarities in best ideas. At the same time, there were references to specific characteristics in the particular industry/environment. Just as many job advertisements refer to “three years asparagus industry experience required,” so, too, many business leaders seem to feel that someone who does not have experience working in their industry cannot effectively consult to them. Similar considerations apply, to nonprofit vs. profit-making environments and in government organizations. So the question arises, are there generally applicable best OD practices or does what is best depend on the nature of the particular industry or work environment?
Jim Murphy